Thursday, September 20, 2012

LED / CFL Lighting Information!

Are you wondering about how much affect LED and CFL lighting has on your business and home?

Checkout this WhitePaper article:

And here are some pictures of comparison:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

. . . Overlook lot orientation
. . . Market houses as you always have
. . . Quit the HBA
. . . Ignore code changes

(Courtesy of Builder Magazine)

Copyright © 2012 TRA Certification, Inc.

All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Indiana's New Energy Code!

TRA Certification can assist in meeting Indiana’s new Energy Code!

Whether it is the Prescriptive Path, Total UA Alternative Path or Simulated Performance Alternative, TRACI will partner with you to ensure compliance with Indiana’s Energy Code.

TRACI is an independent, internationally accredited 3rd party inspection firm specializing in code compliance, energy and green building certification.
Please contact us at 1-800-398-9282.
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Copyright © 2012 TRA Certification International, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Why bother with Energy Star?

Let me tell you staight up. I live in a home built in 1953. It's a really nice ranch home with hard wood floors and a limestone exterior. The craftsmanship is high but energy efficiency wasn't a priority in 1953. Standards were different back then and my problem is I can't easily make my home more comfortable and efficient at a price I can afford. I sure wish they would have done it back then. If you are building a home you have an opportunity to do it now with Energy Star.

Some contractors may tell you that your home will be built to code but what they don't tell is "code" is what is considered minimum by law. Energy star goes above and beyond those minimums to give you quality assurance.  An energy efficient home allows you to keep more money in your pocket by giving you more control over those utility bills.The  HERS® (Home Energy Rating System) index is a method used to show home owners just where their home stands when it comes to efficiency, just like MPG ratings show the fuel efficiency of your car. These days energy costs are a bigger and bigger part of your family's budget. Energy Star uses a quality assurance program through a series of inspection check lists that insures that the workmanship is in the part of the home you can't see as well. When it comes time to sell your home this documentation also helps to insures that you will get top dollar. Why bother with Energy Star? Because it pays big time. Plain and simple. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Net Zero Home

Mendoza Laneway House, it was one of the first laneway homes in Vancouver under the city’s EcoDensity program.  The company behind that efficient SIPs home, Lanefab, and its partners, designer Bryn Davidson and builder Mat Turner, have been busy and recently completed the first Net-Zero Solar Laneway House on a corner lot at 57th and Vivian.  It’s beautiful inside and out.

For More info and pictures: