Why bother with Energy Star?

Some contractors may tell you that your home will be built to code but what they don't tell is "code" is what is considered minimum by law. Energy star goes above and beyond those minimums to give you quality assurance. An energy efficient home allows you to keep more money in your pocket by giving you more control over those utility bills.The HERS® (Home Energy Rating System) index is a method used to show home owners just where their home stands when it comes to efficiency, just like MPG ratings show the fuel efficiency of your car. These days energy costs are a bigger and bigger part of your family's budget. Energy Star uses a quality assurance program through a series of inspection check lists that insures that the workmanship is in the part of the home you can't see as well. When it comes time to sell your home this documentation also helps to insures that you will get top dollar. Why bother with Energy Star? Because it pays big time. Plain and simple.